Greys is the most commonly identified alien race in UFOlogy and the most commonly described race by abduction victims. There are many different views, stories and theories regarding them ranging from the different New Age views to the different Scientific, and conspiracy views.
Greys are usually depicted as hairless small humanoid beings approximately 1m-1.25m in height with skin colors ranging from grey-white to grey-brown to grey-blue. Their head is larger than humans’ with inverted triangular shape, absence of auditory lobes and nose, absence of body hair, large oval tear-shaped eyes which are opaque black with vertical slit pupils.
Sometimes Greys are alternately depicted as having no noticeable nostrils or mouths, but only small openings or orifices for ears and nostrils and no discernible sex organs. Their bodies are usually depicted as being elongated, having a small chest, and lacking in muscular definition and visible skeletal structure.
Their arms resemble praying mantis which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, claw-like fingers (two, three or four fingers). Their legs are shorter and jointed differently than one would expect in a human. Their limbs are often depicted as proportionally different than a human’s; their humerus and thighs are the same lengths as their forearms and shins, respectively.
Home System

From a star chart reported by Betty Hill, an elementary school teacher and amateur astronomer, Marjorie Fish, concluded that the home planet of these beings was located in the Zeta Reticuli star system (their home planet is alleged to be the fourth planet of the second star of Reticulum). Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2, a binary star system visible from the Southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light years away with a spectral class of G2, identical to our Sun. The Greys are therefore sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans.
Some theories argue that Greys evolved naturally from a cetacean-like life form on another world or were artificially modified though genetic engineering by an outside species or themselves. They have evolved beyond the sexual reproduction process so that all sexual organs and their digestive tracts have totally atrophied. They are no longer capable of eating or indulging in sexual activities. Because of these manipulations, cloning, became their only form of reproduction.
The Greys are said to consume nourishment through a process of absorption through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have witnessed it, involved spreading a biological ‘liquid protein’ formula that has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide [which oxygenates the slurry and eliminates bacteria] onto their skin. Food is converted to energy by chlorophyll by a photosynthetic process. To eliminate, they need to pass the substance through some part of their body, much the same way plants eliminate through their skin or outer shells. They use hydrogen peroxide for helping with that elimination as well. Waste products are then excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noted that the Greys have a distinct series of odors.
The Zeta Reticuli Greys feed upon glandular secretions of humans and are said to abduct humans and extracting the secretions for themselves. It is also said that Greys absorb certain substances from parts of the cattle that stabilize them during the cloning process, mostly substances that comes from certain mucus membranes: the lips, nose, genitals and rectum, and also from certain organs.
Aside from feeding off of human and animal proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed off the ‘life energy’, the
A simple explanation for the origins of the Greys would be and evolutionary process similar to that of humans, but from a cetacean ancestor as opposed to a primate ancestor. At one point, instead of returning to the oceans, or perhaps leaving the oceans, cetacean simply evolved as a land-dweller, while retaining the vestigial features of the fish.
Another of the theories possible begins with a cetacean life form evolved on another planet. Unlike Terran cetaceans, they did not return to the oceans, but were discovered and later altered and cloned by another species. This species (called the Masters), needed a source of slave labor, and thus searched for an intelligent lesser species that they could genetically manipulate in order to be used effectively.
Arbitrarily assuming that this period of time was about one million years ago, the most evolved species at that time on Terra would have been dolphins and whales. This might also have been possible on another planet, where a similar species evolved instead of a primate-like organism. Under this theory, the cetacean ancestors of the Greys were taken and genetically altered into an upright, bipedal species capable of doing labor for the Masters.

After a time, however, the Greys apparently rebelled, and are now on their own, using the technology of the Masters, but since they were created to simply operate them, and not to design them, their knowledge of the technology’s operation is lacking. This theory would explain the lack of knowledge of genetics that the Greys seem to suffer from, and why they can’t simply make their own genetic code artificially more diverse. They are able to manipulate the technology, and use it to their advantage, but are unable to understand the actual theoretical aspects and operations behind the use of their equipment, thus resulting in a need for abduction of humans.
Some conspiracy theorists believe that Greys represent part of a government-led disinformation or plausible deniability campaign,[15] or that they are a product of government mind control experiments.
Neurologist Dr. Steven Novella argues that the idea is a byproduct of the human imagination, with the Greys’ most distinctive features representing everything that modern humans traditionally link with intelligence. “The aliens, however, do not just appear as humans, they appear like humans with those traits we psychologically associate with intelligence.”
In 2005, Frederick V. Malmstrom, writing in Skeptic magazine, vol. 11 issue 4, presents his hypothesis that Greys are actually residual memories of early childhood development. Malmstrom reconstructs the face of a Grey through transformation of a mother’s face based on our best understanding of early childhood sensation and perception. Malmstrom’s study offers a possible alternative to the existence of Greys, the intense instinctive response many people experience when presented an image of a Grey, and the ease of regression hypnosis and recovered memory therapy in “recovering” memories of alien abduction experiences, along with their common themes.
The science fiction writer H.G. Wells, in the article ”Man of the Year Million” in 1893, describes humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. In his 1901 book ”The First Men in the Moon”, Selenites, or natives of the Moon, are described as having grey skin, big heads, large black eyes and wasp stings. He also briefly describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth as food by the antagonists of his more popular novel ”The War of the Worlds”.
In 1933, the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science fiction novel called ”Den okända faran” (The Unknown Danger), where he describes a race of extraterrestrials: “[…] the creatures did not resemble any race of humans. They were short, shorter than the average Japanese, and their heads were big and bald, with strong, square foreheads, and very small noses and mouths, and weak chins. What was most extraordinary about them were the eyes – large, dark, gleaming, with a sharp gaze. They wore clothes made of soft grey fabric, and their limbs seemed to be similar to those of humans.” The novel was aimed at young readers, and it included illustrations of the aliens.
In 1965, newspaper reports of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction brought Greys to international attention. The alleged abductees, Betty and Barney Hill, claimed to have been abducted by alien beings and taken to a saucer-shaped spaceship in 1961.
During the early 1980s Greys were linked in popular culture to the alleged crash landing of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, by a number of publications which contained statements from individuals who claimed to have seen the U.S. military handling a number of unusually proportioned, bald, child-sized corpses. These individuals claimed that the corpses had over-sized heads and slanted eyes—but scant other facial features—during and after the incident.
During the 1990s, popular culture began to increasingly link Greys to a number of military-industrial complex/New World Order conspiracy theories. ”The X-Files”, which first aired in 1993 and ”Dark Skies”, first broadcast in 1996 reinforced the urban myth of a linkage between Grey-like extraterrestrials and UFO conspiracy theories.
In 1995 film maker Ray Santilli claimed to have obtained 22 reels of 16 mm film that depicted the autopsy of a “real” Grey that was said to have been recovered from the site of the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico.
Greys and abduction
Among reports of supposed alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50 percent in Australia, 43 percent in the United States, 90 percent in Canada, 67 percent in Brazil, 20 percent in Continental Europe, and around 12 percent in Great Britain.
Abduction claims are described as extremely traumatic, similar to an abduction by humans or even a sexual assault in the level of trauma and distress.
Claims often describe a Grey staring into the eyes of an abductee when conducting mental procedures. This staring is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions.
Sub groups
Greys are commonly included in alien abduction claims and are a focus of ufology, with attributes that may differ from those described above. These claims include two distinct groups of Greys that differ in height. Abductees say that they recognize the leader of their abductors by its “demeanor.
Some ufologists and abduction researchers believe that taller Greys, with their reported increased authority and apparently more complex psychology may be the only Grey type to be biologically alive and that the shorter form could be their artificially constructed robot or cyborg servants.
Some alien abduction reports have depicted variant skin colors such as blue-grey, green-grey, or purple-grey and sometimes not grey at all. The skin is typically described as being extremely smooth, almost as if made of an artificial material like rubber or plastic.