Aka :instrumental transcommunication (ITC)

Origin : ITC traces its roots to 1901, when a U.S. scientist made a recording of “conjured spirits” while visiting a shaman in Siberia. German physics professor Ernst Senkowski later coined the term “instrumental transcommunication” (ITC), to refer to the use of modern technical devices such as audio recorders, radios, and televisions to communicate with realms outside of our known physical realm.

Description: Unknown to most, a huge body of experimentation and scientific study has taken place in this area. Communication typically occurs on Windows machines, and has come in the form of simple text messages, Microsoft Word document files and a wide variety of digital image formats, including “.tif,” “.jpg” and “.gif.” With the popularity of the Web and e-mail, one might think that the spirits would use the Internet as a communication medium but specialists pretend the Internet includes too many “troubled thoughtforms” that disrupt the harmony necessary for ITC contacts to occur.

One form of computer-aided ITC involves spirit teams working closely with a living researcher who has “certain psychic qualities.” When successful, spirits are able to turn computers on and leave messages, even planting files on hard drives or floppy discs.

ITC is best known in its most basic form, electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) – when voices of unknown origin, generally uttering short, faint phrases, speak on audio recordings. EVP appeared occasionally on early phonograph recordings but became more widely known after showing up on personal tape recorders in the 50s and 60s. In the 60s and 70s, it became popular in Europe to capture EVP voices on home tape recorders. Samples can be found all over the web, and EVP is often employed for a plot twist on ghost-hunting TV shows.

With background noise, such as a radio tuned between stations, a researcher records himself asking seven or eight questions spaced 30 seconds apart. The recording is then reviewed to see if it picked up spirit voices.

Records : 1000+

Purpose: ITC believers say contacts are possible because teams of spirits are committed to opening channels of communication between both worlds. Such teams, they say, require harmony and cooperation among their living contacts for successful ITC to occur.

Theory :The Matrix ?

Famous:  Englishman Ken Webster received some 250 spirit messages on his computers in 1984 and 1985. A picture of Hollywood filmmaker Hal Roach appeared on a Luxembourg computer in 1992, the year of his death.

In the late 70s, Americans George Meek and William O’Neil developed a device called Spiricom which established the first known instrumental two-way conversations with the beyond. It was a combination of radio technology with a tone generator that, after much iteration over years, allowed O’Neil to speak with his contact on the other side, Dr. George Mueller, a deceased NASA scientist. Mueller’s came through as a robotic sounding voice-modulated tone, similar in sound to the vocoder used in pop music where a human voice is combined with a keyboard or guitar sound. Hours of conversation were recorded and a few files are available at