Land of faeries

The two worlds are said to be connected by fairy rings, fairy islands and fairy steads, magical gateways to the other world. The passages that lead to Faerieland were as numerous as people and countries. Banks of mists often surround fairy rings or fairy hills. However, there sometimes can be found a gap in the mists. This is called the mist-gate.

  • Karnach: there was a time when the Korrigans nation had its main city under the megaliths of Karnach in South Britanny.
  • Broceliande : a deep forest in Britanny (France) which was believed to be Camelot at the time of the King Arthur. Viviane has her own fountain where one with pure heart can see her.
  •  Isle of Skye : The  houses at Glenn an Uird are so-called fairy houses. The island is particularly rich with fairy stories and these underground homes have long been regarded as the doorways the fairies, or na Sithein, used between their world and our own.

One family who was supposed to have stumbled upon this underground abode was the MacCrimmons, whose fame as pipers is known throughout Scotland. They were supposed to have been granted this marvelous musical gift from the Seelie Court in return for their unselfish desire to serve their fellow countrymen. Incidentally, they found the Seelie Court’s burgh.

  •  Bryn y Ellyllon : (the hill of the goblins) in Somerset, near Mold, Clyd Flint.  
  • Castle Neroche : in Somerset. Faeries defended their hill from gold seekers by instilling the miners with a fierce panic and they all died within a month of the attempt.
  • The tumulus at New Grange, Ireland
  • Knockma Hill: Under Knockma Hill is King Firvarra’s palace. He still holds court there as the leader of the Daoine Sidhe.
  • Isle of Man : where fearies have been the most active in the United Kingdom
  • Gump Hill : near Cornwall, reported to be a popular faerie meeting place.
  • Knockfierna is a large fairy hill on the Limerick plain. On the top of the hill is the palace of the fairy king Donn Fierna. There was once a song about the hill, perhaps now lost.
  • The Mönchen Mountains, near Knesebeck in Germany
  • The Dwarves’ Cavern in Hasel not far from Schopfheim in Germany was once home to a large number of male and female dwarves, from whom the cavern’s name derives.
  • On the north and the south sides of the Harz mountains in Germany,  especially in several areas of the Hohenstein region, there once lived many thousands of dwarves or “Kröpel” in the clefts of the cliffs and in the still-extant dwarf caves.