Loren Coleman

Loren Coleman

Born in 1942

: Lake Monsters, Bigfoot, Giant Snakes, Mystery Felids, Mothman, Thunderbirds, …

Country : Canada

Even if he is not the most famous living cryptzoologist he pretends to be, Coleman has gained traction in the arena through his websites, Cryptomundo and The Cryptozoologist. He is considered as an authority in the field through he has not made any major discovery yet. Coleman established his International Cryptozoology Museum in 2003 in Portland, Maine but really opened it in december 2009.

Cryptozoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1999.

The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide by Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe, NY: Avon Books/HarperCollins, 1999.