If you lay a broom across the doorway at night, a witch can’t come in and hurt you.
Having a woman visit you the first thing on Monday mornings is bad luck for the rest of the week.
Don’t borrow or lend salt because that is bad luck.
If you sweep trash out of the house after dark you will sweep away your luck.
Don’t shake a tablecloth outside after dark or someone in your family will die.
To stop a Voodoo spell being placed upon you, acquire some bristles from a pig cooked at a Voodoo ritual, tie the bristles into a bundle and carry them on you at all times.
You can give someone a headache by taking and turning their picture upside down.
You can harm a person in whatever way you want to by getting a lock of his hair and burning some and throwing the rest away.
You can make a farmer’s well go dry by putting some soda in the well for one week, each day; then drawing a bucket of water out and throwing it in the river to make the well go dry. [6]
If you lay a broom across the doorway at night, a witch can’t come in and hurt you..
Having a woman visit you the first thing on Monday mornings is bad luck for the rest of the week.
Don’t borrow or lend salt because that is bad luck.
If you sweep trash out of the house after dark you will sweep away your luck.
Don’t shake a tablecloth outside after dark or someone in your family will die.
Never sew or make a piece of clothing for a sick person or that person will die.
A spider seen in the morning is a sign of grief; a spider seen an noon, of joy; a spider seen in the evening, of hope.
To keep your partner faithfull in Voodoo Spells, just write the name of the partner on a slip of paper and place in the chimney of your home. Pray upon the note.
To stop a voodoo spell being placed upon you, acquire some bristles from a pig cooked at a Voodoo ritual, tie the bristles into a bundle and carry them on you at all times.
Take a lodestone and some brimstone to a crossroads at midnight. Light the brimstone with a match, and a spirit will appear and give you advice in gambling.
Place a dime under your client’s tongue: If the client is under a spell, the dime will turn black.
To send someone away, take a rotten egg and write that person’s name on it nine times. You can also write where you want that person to go. Take it and throw it against their door at midnight.
To kill someone, get a sock or shoe that belongs to that person. Put graveyard dirt in it and bury it under their front steps.
To ensure the safety of your child, cut a lock of its hair while it is still a baby and keep it with you. The child must have all it’s hair before it can die.
A cow licks her hair and that hair goes down in the left side of the pouch and forms a ball, and if you have one of those in your hand you can bewitch anyone.
A person can take some of your hair and make you go crazy.
A person can take one of your shoes and bury it and make you walk all the time
A person can make you get very thirsty by putting a whiskey bottle under your porch for three weeks, and then throwing the bottle into a fire which will make you very thirsty for whiskey.
A woman should take her first urine on Monday morning, put it in a jar and place it under the bed for nine days and it will hold her husband.
Always carry a black cat’s bone in your pocket, if you think someone is bewitching you.
As you eat the wing of a chicken, take the little bone that is near the end and drop it into the pocket of the fellow you are going with, without him knowing it, and he will ask you to marry him.
Boil a black cat until all the meat comes off and take the bones to the four corners of the road and you will meet the devil.
Burn a black cat up and there will be one bone that will not burn up; that is called the lucky bone, and if you carry that bone you will never have bad luck.
Burn your shoes as soon as you are through with them and you will never be bewitched.
Bury some hair from the top of your husband’s head under the front doorstep and he will never leave home for good.
Carrying a rabbit’s foot keeps all evil away.
Clean out the stables between Christmas and New Years, and the witches will not hurt your stock during the year.
Cut some hair from your private hair and some from your man’s head, and tie it all together to wear in your left shoe and make him crazy about you.
Get a pair of old shoes and put pepper inside, then send them to a person and it will give them the rheumatism.
If you don’t want your man to talk to another woman, take a nail and drive it at the end of his heel prints, and he will run from her the next time he sees her.
If you take a strand of hair out of a person’s head and wear it in your pocket for two days, it will give that person the headache.
If your husband is running around, take some of his hair and a piece of his necktie and put them in a bottle, then throw that in the river; and when that necktie rots, that will change him.
If a man wants to get rid of his wife, he should make a hole in a tree, then put her monthly rags in that hole and stop it up; which will kill the tree and his wife will die.
If a man wants to run a woman crazy, he can take a strand of her hair and wear it in his shoes for a week.
If a woman sprinkles some salt from her house to yours, it will give you bad luck until you clean the salt away and put pepper over your door sill.
If a woman wants her husband to stay away from other woman, she can do so by putting a little of her blood in his coffee, and he will never quit her.
If a woman’s husband dies and you don’t want her to marry again, cut all of her husband’s shoes all in little pieces, just as soon as he is dead, and she will never marry again.
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