The Books of Enoch

The Book of Enoch (also 1 Enoch, Ge’ez: መጽሐፈ ሄኖክ, maṣḥafa hēnok) is an ancient Hebrew apocalyptic religious text, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. Enoch contains unique material on the origins of demons and Nephilim, why some angels fell from heaven, an explanation of why the Genesis flood was morally necessary, … Read more

The Bible

Satan and the Bible There is no full account of Satan given in any one place, and the Scripture teaching on this topic can only be ascertained by combining a number of scattered notices from Genesis to Apocalypse, and reading them in the light of patristic and theological tradition. Almost absent in the Old Testament, … Read more

Tibetan demonology

Often misunderstood or misinterpreted, Tibetan demonology is tightly integrated into boudhism and the main local branches. Nevertheless, the richness and scope of the still-know iconography is a living proof that it was the pre-boudhist Bön-Po tradition who gave birth to all those terrifying monsters. Today considered as “angry” form of divinities and pure emptiness, they … Read more

Greek demonology

Greek demonology bears a huge heritage to the former civilizations of the Indus. Despite being fully polytheist, the greek mythology introduces many myths and monsters that will be integrated into the late Jewish and Christian demonology: the Titans, Pan, the Hydra, Mermaids …. Orphism which supports the idea that men are born from the ashes … Read more

Christian demonology

Whatever may be said of this theory of the Rabbis, that the air is full of demons, and that men are in danger of receiving them into their systems it may certainly be said that in the days of the early Christians the air was dangerously full of demonologies, and that men were in peculiar … Read more

Jewish demonology

While Zoroaster and his Mazdaist followers are the first to have embodied the principle of evil within one personality, the concept of the Devil is of definite Hebrew origin. Early Judaism was, of course, utterly monistic. The god Yahweh encompassed both good and evil, mercy and justice, yet could not be assigned a specific moral … Read more


In many ways one of the most remarkable demonologies is that presented in the Avesta (q.v.), the sacred book of the Mazdean religion of Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism is the doctrine or teaching of Zarathustra that is also known as Mazdaism, Bah Din, Parsiism, and Fire-worship. The doctrine was founded by the Persian prophet Zoroaster or Zarathustra … Read more

Sumerian mythology

The culture of the Mesopotamian valley was particularly rich in demon lore as Mesopotamians viewed themselves as under constant attack from evil on all sides. Demons were usually the spirits of natural forces such as fire, plagues, droughts, infant crib death, and diseases, and often took the form of fantastically-shaped creatures made up of a … Read more