Werewolf Australia

Australia’s desert werewolf, the Irrinja are sometimes referred to as a devil-dog or devil-dingo. Their primary habitat is among sand dunes and desert, where they keep to their own and have little contact with witches and wizards. They are known to travel through sandstorms, some believe they even manifest them with some of their own … Read more

Werewolf Haiti

In Haitian folklore, a loup-garou is a person who is possessed by a spirit and can turn into a wolf The “werewolves” who devote themselves to this end are sorcerers, usually females, possessed by insatiable spirits, who are believed to turn themselves into a beast or even a dog, cat, chicken, snake or another animal … Read more

Werewolf Germany

In Germany, the werewolf is called a böxenwolf. Böxenwolves are humans who are in league with the devil and who can assume the form of animals by buckling a strap about themselves. Then they cunningly attack and torment other people. They can be exposed by throwing a piece of steel over them. In the entire … Read more

Werewolf France

Loup-garou is prevalent in France, with the Beast of Gevaudan being the most famous documented case. The biscalavret is a werewolf that cannot return to human form unless it can put its clothing back on. The lubins or lupins were usually female and shy in contrast to the aggressive loup-garous In Marie de France’s poem … Read more

Werewolf England

From THE BOOK OF WERE-WOLVESby SABINE BARING-GOULDSmith, Elder & Co., London1865 English folklore is singularly barren of werewolf stories, the reason being that wolves had been extirpated from England under the Anglo-Saxon kings, and therefore ceased to be objects of dread to the people. The traditional belief in were-wolfism must, however, have remained long in … Read more

Werewolf Italy

Name : lupo manero or benandanti for people who permanently become wolves and fight witches in the underworld Origin : Magic Cause : Italian peasants still say a man who sleeps outdoors on Friday under a full moon will be attacked by a werewolf, or will become one himself. Friday was the night of the … Read more

Etymology of werewolf

Werewolf literally means man-wolf. The name is thought most likely to derive from Old English wer (or were) meaning man (male man rather than gender-neutral) or possibly the Latin vir, also meaning man, masculine. It has cognates in several Germanic languages including Gothic wair, Old High German wer , Old Prussian: wirs, and Irish fear … Read more

Lycanthropy definition

Lycanthropy is the transformation of a human being into a wolf. Lycanthropy may be considered similar to metamorphosis. The term comes from ancient Greek lykánthropos (λυκάνθρωπος): λύκος, lύkos (“wolf”) + άνθρωπος, αnthrōpos (“man”). The word can also be used transitively, referring to the act of transforming someone else into a wolf, or werewolf. The word … Read more