Witches Sabbats were often held in the following remote and quite places : ruins and remnants of antique temples (this refer to the various pagan cults), mountaintops, forests, and abandoned churches.
- In Brittany, the Carnac area full of dolmen
- in the Alps, the Pra-Pratis field near the Queyras (where is erected a stone);
- In Auvergne, the top of the Puy-de-Dome (old temple of Venus);
- in the Cotentin, the Meautis land;
- in Lorraine, the stone of the Repy.
- In the Basque country, the beach of Hendaye is supposed to have hosted more than 12 000 witches according to De Lancre.
- In the Basque country the Sabbat (there called Akelarre, or ‘field of the goat’) was said to be celebrated in isolated fields.
- Carignano
- Benevento
- The Brocken mountain (Harz) where remains an old menhir.
- Blocksberg
- Melibäus
- The Black Forest.
Elsewhere in Europe
- The Bald Mount (Poland)
- Vaspaku, Zabern, Kopastatö (Hungary),
- The church of Blokula (Sweden)
Hexenkopf (Witch’s Head) is a rocky hill near Easton, Pennsylvania, in the Lehigh Valley. It was named by German immigrants who settled in the area in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Hexenkopf rises 1,030 feet above sea level and is the highest peak in Northampton County. It is part of a group of rocky hills that are among the oldest exposed rocks in the United States.