Loch Ness is located in the North of Scotland and is one of a series of interlinked lochs (Oich, Lochy) that run along the Great Glen. The Great Glen is a distinctive incision that splits Scotland in two from the East to the West coast and represents a large geological fault zone.The interlinking was completed in the 19th century following the completion of the Caledonian Canal.
The lake, created by a glacier, is the largest body of fresh water in Britain. It is almost 2 km (1 mile) wide and 39 km (24 miles) long. It has been estimated that the loch contains a volume of 263 billion cubic feet of freshwater. To a person standing at one end, the lake would appear to go on forever. The depth has not been determined but is estimated to be as much as 274 m (900 ft). The water becomes very murky at around 10 m (30 ft) and practically impenetrable by light. The murkiness is generally caused by peat from local bogs. Due to its great depth Loch Ness never freezes.