500 BC |
Scythians recorded as believing the Neuri to be werewolves. |
400 BC |
Damarchus, Arcadian werewolf, said to have won boxing medal at Olympics |
100 – 75 BC |
Virgil’s eighth ecologue (first voluntary transformation of werewolf) |
55 AC |
Petronius, Satyricon |
170 |
Pausanias visits Arcadia and hears of Lykanian werewolf rites |
150 |
Apuleius, Metamorphosis composed |
432 |
St. Patrick arrives in Ireland |
600 |
Saint Albeus (Irish) said to have been suckled by wolves |
617 |
Wolves said to have attacked heretical monks |
650 |
Paulus Aegineta describes “melancholic lycanthropia” |
900 |
Hrafnsmal mentions “wolf coats” among the Norwegian Army Canon Episcopi condems the belief in reality of witches as heretical |
1020 |
First use of the word “werewulf” recorded in English |
1101 |
Death of Prince Vseslav of Polock, alleged Ukrainian werewolf |
1182 – 1183 |
Giraldus claims to have discovered Irish werewolf couple |
1194 – 1197 |
Guillaume de Palerne composed |
1198 |
Marie de France composes Bisclavret |
1250 |
Lai de Melion composed |
1275 – 1300 |
Volsungasaga, Germanic werewolf saga, written down |
1344 |
Wolf child of Hesse discovered |
1347 – 1351 |
First major outbreak of the Black Death |
1407 |
Werewolves mentioned during witchcraft trial at Basel |
1450 |
Else of Meerburg accused of riding a wolf |
1486 |
Malleus Maleficarum published |
1494 |
Swiss woman tried for riding a wolf |
1495 |
Woman tried for riding a wolf at Lucerne |
1521 |
Werewolves of Poligny burnt |
1541 |
Paduan werewolf dies after having arms and legs cut off |
1550 |
Witekind interviews self-confessed werewolf at Riga Johann Weyer takes up post of doctor at Cleve |
1552 |
Modern French version of Guillaume published at Lyon |
1555 |
Olaus Magnus records strange behavior of Baltic werewolves |
1560 |
First publication of Della Porta, Magiae naturalis |
1563 |
First publication of Weyer, De praestigus daemonum |
1572 |
St. Bartholomew’s Day of Massacre, intensification of French civil war |
1573 |
Gilles Garnier burnt as werewolf |
1575 |
Trials of the benandanti begin in the Friuili (and will continue for a century) |
1580 |
Rebellion at Romans with cannibalistic overtones. Reginald Scot’s Discoverie of Witchcraft published |
1588 |
Alleged date of Auvergne female werewolf (Boguet) |
Peter Stubb executed as werewolf at Cologne |
Roulet tried as werewolf, his sentence commuted. “Werewolf of Chalons” executed at Paris. Gandillon family burnt as werewolves in the Jura |
1602 |
2nd edition of Bouget, Discours des sorciers |
Jean Grenier tried as werewolf and is sentenced to life imprisonment |
1610 |
Two women condemned as werewolves at Liege Jean Grenier dies |
1614 |
Webster’s Duchess of Malfi published |
1637 |
Famine in Franche-Comte: cannibalism reported |
1652 |
Cromwellian law forbids export of Irish wolfhounds |
1692 |
The Livonian werewolf Theiss interrogated |
1697 |
Perrault’s Contes includes “Little Red Riding Hood” |
1701 |
De Tournefort sees vampire exhumation |
1764 |
Bete de Gevaudon starts werewolf scare in Auvergne |
1796 – 1799 |
Widespread fear of wolves reported in France |
1797 |
Victor of Aveyron first seen |
1812 |
Grimm Brothers publish their version of “Little Red Riding Hood” |
1824 |
Antoine Leger tried for werewolf crimes and sentenced to lunatic asylum |
1828 |
Death of Victor of Averyon |
1830 |
Sioux warriors reported hunting in wolfskins |
Accusation of being “wolf leader” ends in court in St. Gervais G. W. M. Reynolds, Wagner the Wehr-Wolf published |
1880 |
Folklorist collects werewolf tale in Picardy |
1885 |
Johann Weyer’s book reprinted at Paris |
1886 |
Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde published |
1906 |
Freud lists Weyer’s book as among ten most significant ever published |
1913 | The Werewolf (film) using real wolf in transformation scene |
1914 |
Freud publishes “wolf man” paper |
| Kamala and Amala, the Orissa wolf children, discovered Right-wing terror group “Operation Werewolf” established in Germany |
1932 |
Jekyll & Hyde (film) starring Frederic March |
1935 |
Werewolf of London (film) |
1941 |
Wolf Man (film) starring Lon Chaney Jr. |
1943 – 1944 |
Childhood autism first described LSD discovered |
1944 |
House of Frankenstein (film) includes mention of silver bullet |
1951 |
Outbreak of ergotism at Pont-Saint-Esprit in France |
1952 |
Ogburn & Bose, On the trail of the Wolf-Children published |
1957 |
I Was a Teenage Werewolf (film) |
1972 |
Shamdeo discovered living among wolves in India |
1975 |
Surawicz & Banta publish first two modern cases of lycanthopy |
1979 |
“An American Werewolf in London” (film) includes first four-footed werewolf |
1985 |
“Death of Shamdeo” “Teen Wolf” (film) |
Monsieur X arrested “McLean Hospital” survey published |
“Werewolf rapist” jailed McLean Case 8 full report published |
1991 |
“The Wolfman” escapes from Broadmoor |