Monstrous.com is historically the first and largest network dedicated to monsters in folklore and arts.
Our websites can be reached at : https://www.monstrous.com and https://www.monstropedia.org.
The adventure started in 1998 when I launched the first website on my free time from Compuserve, a defunct online service. Later, a digital encyclopedia was added using Mediawiki technology.
The site and its community thrived until 2013 when severe attacks from hackers and threats from religious hate groups obliged us to close the sites to the general public.
In the meantime, most of the sites that were catering to the freaky and weirdos audience (VampireFreaks, …) closed one by one while the Internet was turning into a cluster of corporate fenced social networks.
In 2020, we welcomed the COVID crisis as an opportunity to rebuild the site as a weapon against the growing threats to freedom, environment and the survival of humanity.
Some of the content is still not available and will be added during 2022. The community forum has reopened and a Discord server is available.
As a non-profit organization, we depend on your help to carry on our mission.
If you want to contribute in any way ($, editing, coding, music, art …), feel free to get in touch.