Orang Kubu

Aka : Orang Dalam, Orang Sanat

Place: Sumatra (indonesia)

US adventurer Walter M. Gibson reported in 1855 in Palembang, Indonesia, a man-sized creature , "covered with hair, that looked soft and flowing, the mouth was wide, lips protruding, and chin formed no part of the hairy face; yet it was pleasantly human in its expression."

Gibson saw one of these, kept as a slave and says natives told him:  "They were brutes, they had no worship, no marriage, no law, no clothing, no idea of its use; they were the accursed of Allah, fit only to be beasts of burden." 

The conclusion is that the Orang Kubu are not mysterious cryptids but dark skinned raven-haired tribal Bushmen of ancient traditions living in the rain forest of Sumatra with a language and unique culture.