Paranormal associations, societies, investigators and other organizations, listed by state or geography.

Wow! Here is a really impressive collection of strange reports — ghosts, weird creatures, UFOs — from all the U.S. states and many of their cities and towns. Great resource.
Alabama Paranormal Research Organization
The site of this group offers investigation case files, EVP, photos, profiles of haunted places and more.
Alabama-Mississippi – The Gulf States Paranormal Society Their mission is to seek answers to the numerous mysteries surrounding all paranormal activity; to help those who experience this kind of activity gain a better understanding of how and why it happens.
Alberta – Entity Seeker
Formally part of Paranormal Explorers, this group has reorganized to utilize over a decade of experience to delve further into paranormal phenomenon with the goal of being able to provide resources and information to persons reaching across all borders.
Alberta – The Paranormal Explorers
A non-profit paranormal research group in Edmonton, Alberta. They help people with paranormal activity in their home and also get rid of negative spirits. They also provide classes and talks on various aspects of the paranormal.
Alberta – SIGA Spectral Investigators Group of Alberta
This organization is dedicated to the research and investigation of the haunting and ghost phenomenon. Using the scientific approach, they attempt to understand the mysterious nature that comes with paranormal activity.
Arizona – ICPIR
International Community for Paranormal Investigation and Research investigates paranormal and unexplained phenomenon, following strict guidelines and rules during their investigations.
Arizona – Shadow Spirit
Shadow Spirit Paranormal Investigations uses scientific evidence along with spiritual practices to help others with any paranormal problems they may be having.
Arizona – Sonoran Paranormal Investigations
This TAPS member is a scientifically based paranormal investigations group located in, and covering all of, the state of Arizona with members from Flagstaff to Phoenix to Tucson.
Arkansas – Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team (ARPAST)
The Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team (ARPAST) is a science-based research group dedicated to furthering the understanding of anomalous and unexplained phenomena via the utilization of state-of-the-art equipment, methodologies, and techniques.
California – Amateur Ghost Hunters Group
Based out of San Jose, this group investigates “haunted” sites around the San Francisco Bay Area.
California – Los Angeles Paranormal Association
LAPA seeks to document physical evidence of the paranormal, investigating historical and reputably haunted locations and report on our findings.
California – Sacramento Paranormal Investigators
Sharing with others their passion for the paranormal, as well as the group’s investigative work, both past and present.
California – Sacramento Valley Paranormal Investigators
This group offers a cost-free service to communities and individuals in the Sacramento area and surrounding counties. They seek to validate legitimate cases and disprove false ones.
Connecticut – Smoking Gun Research Agency
SGRA is comprised of a staff that is highly knowledgeable and qualified in the investigation of the paranormal, UFOs, cypto creatures and government conspiracies.
Includes investigation photos, member photos, calendar of events, equipment and more.
Florida – Spirit Investigations
This Jacksonville-based team investigates unexplained phenomena in residential properties, commercial properties, and historical landmarks – basically anywhere paranormal activity has been reported.
Georgia Ghost Society
Non-profit organization dedicated to ghost research, the investigation of phenomena associated with hauntings of paranormal, and offering assistance to those experiencing these unwanted and frightening events.
Georgia – Historic Ghost Watch and Investigation
This group, based in Atlanta, investigates hauntings and also focuses on the historical aspect of a haunting. The site includes investigations, haunted locations, stories, photos and more.
Georgia – Paranormal Investigators of North Georgia
PING is a non-profit organization that has a keen interest in paranormal science. They primarily do research in the North Georgia area; however, the location is not a limiting factor. PING will consider any location to investigate.
Georgia – Paranormal Research Center of Middle Georgia
Investgates the paranormal through research and documentation using scientific equipment as well as taking subjective experiences into account. Investigate disturbances at homes, businesses, objects, and outdoor locations.
Idaho – Idaho Paranormal Society
This is a group of like-minded individuals who volunteer their time in an effort to research and investigate terrestrial paranormal phenomenon and help educate and comfort those affected by it.
Idaho – South Eastern Idaho Paranormal Society
Founded in 2008 to help those who are suffering from paranormal activity, investigating homes and businesses from Island Park to Pocatello.
This group’s mission is to help clients who are experiencing activity free of charge, gather evidence of paranormal events, and educate the public about paranormal phenomenon.
Paranormal Research and Investigation. Conducts investigations and experiments, and offers photos, stories, FAQs, news and more.
Illinois – Springfield Paranormal Research Group
Created to research, study and investigate the possibility of the existence of ghosts and the activity associated with the alleged hauntings of ghosts.
Indiana – Crossroads Paranormal
Crossroads Paranormal is an exclusive group of seasoned paranormal investigators based in Indiana, whose main focus is to educate and empower individuals who are dealing with paranormal occurrences.
“Bringing ghost information to Indiana and beyond,” this group conducts investigations, offers ghost stories, has a forum and more.
This group investigates using night vision surveillance, conventional as well as digital video and photography, various recording devices to capture EVP recordings, EMF detectors, digital thermometers and more.
Iowa/Illinois – Small Town Ghosts
Providing investigations of western Illinois and eastern Iowa, this group’s site offers photos taken at local cemeteries and information on ghost hunting.
Kentucky – PsyTech – Kentucky Ghost Hunters
This ghost hunting team located in Nicholasville, Kentucky believes that consideration and respect to the living and the dead are essential in ghost hunting and the field of paranormal research and investigation.
Kentucky – Louisville Ghost Hunters Society
Founded in 1996 by President Keith Age as a way for the general public to have their questions answered regarding possible hauntings and paranormal activity they may be experiencing.
Kentucky – Louisville Paranormal Investigations
Started in 2007, LPI is rapidly becoming a highly respected paranormal group for their honesty and dedication to the paranormal.
Maine Ghost Hunters Society
Their mission is to investigate and document purported paranormal activity and provide a support base for individuals who may be living with paranormal phenomena.
Maine’s Investigators of the Unknown
Plenty of weird stuff here, including EVPs, investigation photos and how to request assistance in the investigation of a haunting.
Maryland – Baltimore County Paranormal Research
This group’s mission is to apply of scientific research of the paranormal, provide education, assistance and resources to new and existing paranormal organizations, the public and the media.
Maryland – Baltimore Society for Paranormal Research
Established to research and document paranormal activities of the supernatural and occult in the Baltimore area.
Maryland Ghost & Spirit Association
Lots of information here, including Maryland hauntings, investigations, photography and ghost hunting tips, and much more.
Maryland – Middle River Paranormal Investigators
This website offers haunted areas in Maryland, paranormal definitions, pictures, ghost stories and the “toolbox” they use for their investigations.
Massachusetts – ORION
Which stands for Otherside Research & Investigations Of New England, seeking scientific identification and validation of the phenomena you may be experiencing.
Massachusetts – Scientific Investigation of Ghosts ‘n’ Spirits
Their mission is to research paranormal activity, and to help others gain a better understanding of what they are experiencing through scientifically based research. Currently serving Massachusetts and the surrounding area.
Michigan Paranormal Encounters
If it is determined that paranormal forces are at work, investigators in this group work with clients to resolve the issue in the most effective way possible, while offering support and understanding throughout the process.
This non-profit organization that researches claims of the ghosts and haunting activity in Minnesota. If they do discover a place to be haunted, they offer consultation and services to help those in need to understand and reach a livable situation.
Mississippi – Orbservations
Paranormal research group in Meridian, Mississippi.
Mississippi – Shadowsparanormal
Based in Biloxi, this non-profit organization helps people determine if their house, property or business is haunted. They use audio,video and EMFs to investigate.
Mississippi – Southern Paranormal Investigations
SPIRE is a non-profit paranormal investigation group located in North Mississippi, investigating hauntings and other paranormal activity.
Missouri – Ghost Hunters of St. Louis
The Ghost Hunters of St. Louis, Transcendental Society are commited to solving the questions of the paranormal. They perform free investigations in your home or office.
Missouri Ghost Hunters Society
This site has photos, EVPs, ghost stories, haunted places, even “ghost weather.” They also give details on the investigations they’ve conducted.
Missouri – Ghost Vigil Investigations
This group provides a comprehensive approach to paranormal investigations using historical research, witness interviews, the latest sensor and photographic technology, and investigative patience. Services are always free-of-charge.
This team of experienced paranormal investigators and researchers combines a unique blend of both humanistic values and scientific techniques which result in a well-formulated, balanced approach to paranormal investigations and research.
Missouri Paranormal Research Society
This group is committed to finding answers for those who live or work around paranormal activity on a daily basis, and help temper fears of the unknown.
Missouri – P.E.D.R.O.
Paranormal Encounter Documentation & Research Organization, investigating institutions and homes.
Missouri – Tripar Paranormal Activity Research
A St. Louis-based group of scientists and researchers who investigate ghosts, following reports of strange lights, apparitions, unnatural noises, voices and unexplained cold spots.
Missouri/Kansas – Miller’s Paranormal Research
Paranormal investigators searching for the truth – the how’s, what’s and why’s in the paranormal field of investigations.
Montana – Umbria Paranormal Research Team
Dedicated to the research and investigation of paranormal incidents. Umbria is based in Missoula, MT and focuses primarily on ghost and spirit investigation.
Nebraska – Great Plains Paranormal Research Society
This privately funded group in the Omaha, Nebraska and Council Bluffs, Iowa assists property owners in determining what paranormal activity is occurring in or around their property using science and state-of-the-art technology.
New England – Paranormal and Research Society of New England
With over 30 years of investigating the paranormal, John Zaffis has the resources and experience to help people in need and to spread the word of the reality of the supernatural.
New England Society for Psychic Research
This is the home page of Ed and Lorraine Warren, perhaps the U.S.’s most well-known investigators of ghost and psychic phenomena. Includes photos and current investigations.
New Jersey – South Jersey Ghost Research
SJGR is a professional research group with years of experience investigating ghosts and hauntings in New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and NYC.
New York, Central, Ghost Hunters Society
This Syracuse-based organization conducts investigations and offers on its website photos, news, events, links and more.
IMOVES is a small group of paranormal investigators located in Central New York which documents of paranormal activities.
New York Ghost Chapter
This organization of ghost and haunting investigators covers the New York City region. The website offers investigation photographs, member photos and membership information.
New York – Long Island Society for Paranormal Research
This organization aims prove or disprove the existence of ghosts and other unexplained phenomena through investigations, photos, audio, and video.
New York – Mohawk Valley Ghost Hunters
Seekers of paranormal activity associated with ghosts, based in the Mohawk Valley in Central N.Y. where the atmosphere is rich with ghostly lore of long past wars.
New York – Supernatural Paranormal Agency
Based in Rochester, this dedicated group of professional psychic medium researchers and volunteers study and explore reported occurrences of the unknown.
New York – Utica Paranormal Society
This group tries to contact the dead and find evidence of the afterlife. They do that by going to places reported to be haunted, then go over the evidence.
New York – New York Shadow Chasers
This Northern New York group are CITI certified paranormal investigators following the professional protocols of in-field psychology and anthropology researchers.
New York – Wayne Area Ghost Society
This is a group of amateur paranormal investigators who focus on purported hauntings using a variety of equipment to investigate claims of paranormal activity. Investigations are done free of charge, and are science-based.
New York – Western NY Paranormal
A Western New York-based paranormal research team investigating ghost and demonic activity throughout New York. Website has intriguing photos, evps, video, thought provoking articles, and news.
North Carolina: Seven Paranormal Research
Dedicated to the investigation of haunting and ghost phenomenon, as well as providing support to those experiencing these things.
Investigates northern and middle regions of Ohio and all over Michigan using an array of equipment in its quest to provide answers for the unexplained happenings in your home or business.
Ohio Paranormal Investigation Network
A database of personal investigations in conjunction with various reports and documentations on ghosts or other paranormal activity.
This group’s goal is to research paranormal occurances (mainly “ghosts”), and use this knowledge to help the community and further parapsychological/paranormal research.
Oklahoma – Northeast Oklahoma Research Society
This group was formed to conduct scientific investigations into paranormal events, stiving to present clients with the most recent and reliable information to date and will stay the course in helping resolve any situations that may arise.
Oklahoma – Paranormal Research of Oklahoma
The founder of this organization says she has been investigating the paranormal for over 24 years. They are willing to travel all around the Oklahoma area.
Ohio – Ancient Tones & Haunted History
Investigates ghosts and hauntings in the northeast Ohio area.
Ohio Ghost Hunters
This group is “molded from serious and experienced paranormal investigators” to investigate private residences, businesses or any other properties of concern.
Ohio – Ghost Hunters Ohio Search Team
Ghost hunters based in central Ohio. Evps, photos, videos, ghost stories investigation and ghost hunt results.
Ontario/Nova Scotia – Hauntings Research Group
This eastern Canada research group provides information on investigated hauntings in Ontario, Nova Scotia and surrounding area.
Ontario – Society of Paranormal Encounters of Canada
Includes articles on demons and ghosts, photo analysis, how to photograph ghosts, and a photo album.
Ontario – Toronto Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society
Includes details of many reputedly haunted places in the Toronto area. They will also conduct investigations.
Pennsylvania – Cumberland Paranormal Society
Uses high- and low-tech electronic equipment to evaluate reports of paranormal activity with the purpose of dispelling myths and stories and to separate fact from fiction.
Pennsylvania Ghost Hunters Society
Founded in 1997, this group investigates and does research on haunted sites in the state that are rumored to be haunted. They have conducted more than 200 investigations.
Based in Tioga County, this group is a modern, science-based investigation team documenting and recording reported paranormal activity in the North Central region of PA and the Twin Tiers.
Pennsylvania – Philadelphia Ghost Hunters Alliance
Professional organization of paranormal investigators serving Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware to research, document and investigate ghostly phenomena.
The Rhode Island Society for the Examination of Unusual Phenomena is a non-profit organization that specializes in researching, investigating, and documenting reported Hauntings, UFO/USO experiences, and Unidentified Mysterious Animal sightings.
Tennessee – Adsagsona Paranormal Society
The Adsagsona Paranormal Society was formed in September 2003 by a group of researchers and investigators who have quite a few years of collective experience among them.
Tennessee, West, Ghost Hunters
Includes news, investigations, haunted sites and more for the Tennessee area.
Tennessee – Memphis Ghost Hunters
This site says they are the oldest and most experienced Christian-based paranormal research group in Memphis.
Tennessee – Memphis – Mid South Ghost Hunters
This group’s goal is to obtain indisputable scientific proof of life after death while helping people understand and cope with possible paranormal activity in their homes or businesses. Investigations are confidential and free.
Tennessee – Memphis Paranormal Investigations Team
A group of Memphians who document, both in film and audio forms, proof of paranormal activity.
Texas – Austin Paranormal Group
Created to research, investigate, analyze and document anomalous events that fall outside the realm of current scientific research.
Texas – Dallas Area Paranormal Society
Established in 2001m this is one of the most well-established groups in the North Texas area, doing most residential investigations in North Texas.
Texas – Houston Ghost Town Paranormal Investigation
Aims to assist those with paranormal activity in attempt to resolve their issues and understand those occurences beyond the mundane world.
Texas – Lone Star Spirits: Paranormal Investigations
This Texas organization lists several haunted sites in that state. They describe the disturbances reported and what they found during investigations.
Texas – Southern Paranormal Investigations
Dedicated to scientifically and psychically researching paranormal activity in Texas, committed to helping anyone who may be experiencing phenomena that is not defined by mainstream science.
UK – Phoenix Paranormal Investigations
Dedicated and committed to the investigation, documentation and sometimes removal of paranormal phenomena across the British Isles.
Utah – Paranormal Investigations Team
A small but professional group of men and women whose goal is to research and record paranormal activity in the Northern Utah area.
Virginia Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society
This organization’s site offers case files, editorials, reports, EVPs, theories, famous Virginia ghosts, chat and more.
West Virginia Ghost Hunters
Includes information about haunted places in West Virginia, EVPs, photos, video, ghost hunting tips – and of course they do investigations.
West Virginia Paranormal Researching and Investigation
The WVPRI’s website has listings of haunted WV places, stories, facts, a picture gallery, videos, ghost sounds and information on investigations.