
In 1996 the creature resembling alien rather than a human being, was found in the village in Ural region, and only 7 years later, in April 2004, scientists revealed the creature”s real origin. This story goes back to 1996 to village Kaolinovy near the provincial town of Kyshtym in Chelyabinsk region. The female villager found … Read more


In April 1997, an unidentified flying object was picked up on US radar over Brazil (there were no Brazilian satellites), contact was however made with the Brazilians and the information was relayed. In the city of Varginha, in the Central Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, several persons witnessed a ufo crash and saw a cigar … Read more

Puerto Rico

In the very late 1970s, Puerto Rican UFO investigator Jorge Martin came forward with details of an amazing account of the discovery of an Alien corpse. Jose Chino Zaya and his friend, met with strange small beings when visiting caves in a mysterious area of Puerto Rico called “Tetas de Cayey,” or Twin Mountain Peaks. … Read more


According to a report published by the Georgian UFO Association GUFORA (from the Caucasian Republic of Georgia) an alien body was retrieved by the Russian State Security Service in 1996. An old woman from the village of Kashtim in the Ural mountains found a dying little creature on the road. She thought it was a … Read more


The crash The night of 2nd July 1947, Mac Brazel a rancher from near Corona, New Mexico heard a loud crash during a thunderstorm. The next day he went out riding with the son of neighbors Floyd and Loretta to check on the sheep and came upon a field with debris scattered about. The debris … Read more