John Willison Green

John Willison Green

Born February 12, 1927

: Bigfoot

Country : USA

John Willison GreenĀ (1927-2016) was a Canadian journalist and a leading researcher into the Bigfoot phenomenon. He is a graduate of both the University of British Columbia and Columbia University and has a database of more than 3000 sighting and track reports from the United States and Canada, in some cases even obtaining sworn affidavits, leading some to affectionately refer to him as “Mr. Sasquatch”.

Most sightings are in the Pacific Northwest, others come from as far East as Indiana and Arkansas. Green admits some reports turned out to be false. But he is convinced “most” are authentic.

Green has authored several Sasquatch books, including Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us, still widely regarded by many as the single best book yet written on the subject.